Famous Weddings & Divorces in November 1973

Famous Weddings

Vin Scully

Nov 10 American Baseball Hall of Fame broadcaster Vin Scully (45) weds Sandra Hunt, until her death in 2021

Hank Aaron

Nov 12 MLB baseball player Hank Aaron (39) weds Billye Aaron

  • Nov 14 Britain's Princess Anne marries commoner, Captain Mark Phillips at Westminster Abbey
  • Nov 30 Sci-fi author Issac Asimov (53) weds second wife psychoanalyst and Sci-fi author Janet Jeppson (47)

Famous Divorces

Isaac Asimov

Nov 16 Russian-American cci-fi author Isaac Asimov (53) divorces Gertrude Blugerman (56) after 31 years of marriage